Export Compliance Services

EAR Compliance

Compliance with the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) is a requirement for all US Companies. As a responsible US manufacturer or exporter you must ensure your Company is compliant with the EAR. LCS can work with you to develop a customized compliance program. Our comprehensive and realistic approach to assisting our clients in the development of a compliance program includes the implementation of policies and procedures that close any compliance gaps or risks in your company.

Export Compliance Management Program (ECMP)

Establish Your Compliance Strategy

LCS has extensive experience in analyzing business processes and developing tailored solutions that are specific to your organization’s structure and objectives. The objective of our export compliance assessment includes understanding the strength and efficiency of existing procedures and proposing recommendations that are based on the EAR, as well as our experience with a variety of different corporate export compliance approaches.

Exporting services

Exporting Services